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Understanding the Causes of Low Sperm Count and Effective Home Remedies

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Low Sperm

Low sperm count is a common cause of male infertility, and many men in relationships who desire to have children are affected by this issue. For years, they struggle without realizing that low sperm count is the underlying problem. As a result, they endure prolonged periods of suffering without understanding the cause. However, there is hope. If you have a low sperm count, you can take steps to address it and restore optimal reproductive function.

Causes of Low Sperm Count

low Sperm count Causes

Several factors can contribute to a below-functional sperm count, and many of them are easily overlooked. Often, it's not major factors but rather seemingly innocent habits that can significantly impact fertility. These habits include working with a laptop on your lap, consuming a high-fat diet, experiencing excessive stress, and more. These causes can be categorized into two groups:

1. Internal Causes
These are health-related issues that affect the reproductive system. Examples include sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), congenital pathologies, and acquired conditions.

One such example is Varicocele, a condition where the veins in the scrotum become inflamed and enlarged. This disrupts normal sperm production, resulting in low sperm count and watery semen. In such cases, seeking professional medical attention is necessary.

2. External Causes
These causes result from the lifestyle choices and habits you engage in. By taking good care of your body and adopting healthy habits, you can improve your reproductive health. Conversely, neglecting your body can have adverse effects.

There are several bad habits that can hinder sperm production, including:

- Excessive smoking
- Chronic stress
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Heat exposure
- Overeating and consuming unhealthy foods

All of these habits can reduce or halt spermatogenesis, and therefore, they should be avoided.

Home Remedies to Improve Sperm Count

You can restore your reproductive health by making a few adjustments to your daily routine. Here are some additional tips and remedies to consider:

1. Eliminate Harmful Habits:
If you smoke or drink excessively, it is advisable to quit or gradually reduce your consumption. If you have a demanding work schedule that causes stress, find ways to reduce stress levels. Additionally, limit your caffeine intake and avoid working with your laptop placed on your groin area.

2. Eat A Balanced Diet:
Include plenty of foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants, such as green vegetables, carrots, and cabbage. Cut down on refined sugars, processed foods with preservatives, and pre-packaged meals. Reduce frying and opt for boiling and steaming your food to reduce the intake of excess fats and oils.

3. Maintain A Healthy Weight:
Weight disorders, particularly obesity, can disrupt the balance of sex hormones in your body, which affects spermatogenesis. Strive to maintain an ideal weight to promote healthy sperm production.

4. Engage In Regular Exercise:
Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine to improve overall fitness. However, avoid overexertion or excessive physical stress. The goal is to stay fit and active.

5. Include Additional Beneficial Herbs:
Apart from the herbs mentioned earlier (Ginseng, Ginger, Cloves, Garlic, White Onions/Honey mixture, Nutmeg), you can also consider adding the following herbs to your daily

This topic was modified 12 months ago 2 times by ePower
Posted : 27/05/2023 2:15 pm
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