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Farming Folly: The Price of Ignorance of a Man in Agricultural Ventures (Maize Farm)

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 28
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About 4 years ago, a man move to our community to set up a large maize farm.

He has the fund..

He has the link to supply directly to factory...

He heard farming is the next oil.

He leased land from the Ogun Osun River Basin Authority to start with about 30 hectares.
The first year by harvest, the maize 🌽 yield did not commensurate with the expenditure

He didn't lose hope. He tried the next year again.

He even attempt dry season cultivation if maize 🌽.

To start the second year planting, he bought plenty planter because he want to follow the recommended spacing for maize 🌽 which is 25cm spacing for planting distance

They went as far as first demarcating the 25cm spacing with rope to ensure the right spacing and population

By the third year, he was nowhere to be found again on the farm.

You can imagine the expenses

His younger brother was around sometimes and he said they spend over 10 million
Actually that's the money they could account for. What of the ones they can not?
Many people are in the man's shoe 👟. They heard agric is the next oil and they jumped right in.

Learn before you commit fund
Spend money to learn from practical practicing farmers

What you read in books is different from what the system is saying
What you learn at seminars will not get you anywhere

I am always screaming
i hope you get to hear this?


~ Yinka Adesola

(An Organic Farmer & Trainer).

The Importance of Learning Before Leaping into Agriculture.

This topic was modified 12 months ago by ePower
Posted : 21/05/2023 9:42 am